about Coverge Systems


Our vision is to be the preeminent provider of job placement services and consulting across the United States. Our mission is three-fold: to stay on the forefront of recruitment technologies so that we always offer the best available solutions to our clients; to be thought leaders so that where challenges exist we can engineer solutions—not just for ourselves but, as we have done before, for the entire recruitment industry; and lastly, to create enduring relationships of trust so that our clients can relax in the knowledge that they can rely on the Converge Systems to bring them the talent, technologies, and solutions they need in order to grow and thrive.

Unrivaled Expertise

We have the technologies to allow us to find the star candidate, put together the champion team, and provide the incisive consulting you need.

Nothing Is Impossible

We thrive on meeting the challenges that other companies balk at. We say “yes” and get it done.

Complete Alignment

We’re a team of motivated, dedicated individuals working together for the good of our company and yours. Where there is total alignment between people and organizations, great things happen.


Company Story



The idea behind company formation originated in the mid-90s to Jacob William (Group President and CEO) while on a visit to Mega Shopping Centers in US and Europe, which offered things as diverse as baby clothes and dog food in the same shop. The convenience of driving to a single location and doing business formed the foundation for multiple services idea behind us.


Early Formative Years

We started its operations in 2002, by offering ‘Data Processing Solutions’. Later, Data Entry customers demanded to be provided with customer service, which led to the launch of ‘Call Center Operations’, as the second service. Further down the line, ‘Finance and Accounting Services’ was added to the line of services as existing clients for Data Entry and Customer Services wanted us to handle their account books as well. All initial service expansions were customer driven.

1998- TODAY

The Growth Trajectory

Today, We and its associate companies have more than 2000 employees working across global delivery centers catering to the business needs of over 11190 customers across 221 countries.


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